Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mayabono Biharini - a bond of seperation - Brilliance of Tagore

Mayabono Biharini Horini

          Another drop of pure brilliance from Gurudevs ocean of thoughts. The song/poem is as lyrically strong as it is musically sweet on the ears. This is one of those poems which appears seemingly simple but when you get deep, deep, it gets deeper and deeper. The song was recently covered in a Bengali movie called 'Bedroom' and has been brilliantly sung by Somlata Acharya Chowdhury

Maya bono biharini horini
Gohono sopono soncharini -
Keno tare dhoribare kori pon?

Thak thak nijo mone dure te.
Ami shudhu banshuriro sure te -
Porosho koribo or prano-mon,

Chomokibe phagunero pobone
Poshibe akash bani shrobone.
Chitto akul hobe anukhon,

Dur hote ami tare saadhibo
Gopone biroho dore bandhibo
Bandhono bihono sei - je badhon,
Literal meaning of the song

The deer roams freely in the illusive, enchanted forest
 It roams within my deepest dreams
 Why do I pledge to imprison it
 without any rhyme or reason

Let it be by itself
I, with the melody of my flute
will serve her my life, my soul
without a reason

She will shine in the spring wind
Nurtured by the sounds of the skies
Her soul will get restless
without a reason

I will offer her my distance
secretly tie her in the bond of separation
I tie which isn't a tie
without a reason

This is my deduction of the song.
          Gurudev , like in some of his other poems, places the simple, shy and effortlessly beautiful deer as an analogy for beautifully vulnerable things. As humans, we thrive for all the beautiful pleasures of the world. The moment we see a beautiful object, we tend to run after it. Only after its possession, do we breathe a sigh of relief, else it lingers in our minds and we envy, strive, vie, cry, fight for it.
         It makes us restless. Whether it is a beautiful girl we fell in love with, or that stylish car we always longed for, we cannot find peace till it becomes ours. Even on holidays or when at a scenic location, there are very few moments when we actually relax, sit down and just take in the beauty of the scenery. We get busy in imposing ourselves on the scenery, getting our photos clicked or capturing it in our cameras.
          What is captured stays for further retrieval and reference and for reliving the moments but what remains in that mind, the first glimpse, the awe inspiring moment, the strange feeling, a shallow mild pain in the heart is what makes the moment; the scenery different from million others and is much much more valuable.
          We don't always need to be in the picture. Some things are better left the way they are, especially nature and it is better to be a mere observer and breathe in the freshness by just observing, no need to plunge in.
          Leave the quest for conquering. Let it be! Conquering isn't always achieving, most of the times it is losing, and what remains with you is a soul in bondage. You may impose, get it to do what it wants, but you will never win, because deep down it has never become yours.

          Let nature and what God created be by itself. Don't make the useless effort of trying to capture it or put boundaries to it or beautify it. The simplicity and the beauty might get lost. Just feel and enjoy it though your eyes, your touch. Keep the beauty alive by singing praises for nature, for the Lord who created it, who let us get a glimpse of it; always be in awe and never take it for granted. Give it your mind and soul. Only then will the creation of God be truly yours and you will feel oneness with him, you will feel utopia!
          There are times you will feel restless on seeing this beauty. You may have a lot to say, to express and your soul will become restless without reason. It's trying times like these, when you need to promise yourself "I will not give in, I will offer my separation, I will be at peace with this separation. This reclusive separation itself will be the bond that i tie with the Giver, with the Creator. In this separation will I get nearer to him."

          The song, according to me signifies the importance of nurturing the value of separation and letting things be, because once conquered, the value is lost or diminishes over time as we move to a new conquest. Unconquered, it lingers in our minds for a longer time and the value remains.


  1. I am a non-bengali and only just discovered this gem of a song. As you would expect, I haven't been able to stop listening to this beautiful version of it by Kishore da: Thank you for your wonderful translation and interpretation- it has increased my already great love for this song to an unimaginable extent. Gurudev has such a spectacularly great mind! And you express yourself beautifully...God bless!

    1. Hi there, I didn't realize I had a comment here. Thanks for reading and your kind words. This is a very beautiful song with a much deeper and more beautiful meaning. Thanks again!

  2. Is there any connection between this song and Tagore's own life?

    1. Hi Brian, thanks for reading and commenting!
      Though I am not completely sure, haven't read of any connection between this song and Tagore's own life and so the answer would be a 'no'.
      The characters in his novels and his songs are well thought enigmas that we can only attempt to decipher :)
      Hope I have been of some help.

    2. Tagore... or thakur.. all his work, his imaginations, was inspired by what he experienced in his life...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hey !! I had this song stuck in my head for quite a few days. Though I was bewildered about its in depth meaning. So, thank you so much for such a wonderful translation ^-^

  5. Hi, I love this song and always got lost in it's interpretations. Didn't bother to look at it's meaning because I liked to give it my own meaning. But today finally had the urge to really find out what it meant and your words are truer than ever. No one could have explained it better .Thanks! And happy writing.

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  7. Hello there...what a lovely translation and a beautiful must put a book together for your fav Gurudev songs. Thank you for your magic.

    1. Thank you so much for the beautiful comment. It means a lot. I did try to decipher another of Gurudev's songs in my own thoughts and ramblings in a recent post. The song is 'Je raate mor duarguli..' Hope you like it. Thank you once again.

  8. Thanks so much! I don't speak Bengali, save a few words but have a deep appreciatiom for the language and its sweetness. Thanks so much for helping me decipher possible meanings here. It's a beautiful song and your interpretation as well as articulation are very poetic! Thanks again:)

    1. Thank you for dropping by and for your wonderful comment; it only encourages me to write better. Stay safe.

  9. Bengali is a very soft language. And this song is soft like a cotton

  10. More beautiful than lyrics itself can only be the words you describe them with. Thank you so much, I would love to talk to you personally 💜 such beautiful mind you have, stay safe always

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Alexandra. My words are the result of those beautiful lyrics by the great poet.
      My email ID is

    2. Can you believe I just saw this. After 2 years. I'm so sorry, I'll write onto your email :) thanks a million

  11. Hey there, Sir you have written soul enticing emotions...
    Truly wonderful!!
    thanks to you, as writings like yours truly enrich the serenity of the heart!!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and reading my thoughts on this wonderful song. I'm glad it resonated with you.

  12. I think "phagunero pobone" should be translated as the "spring wind" or the "vernal wind", instead of "monsoon wind".

    1. Thank you for reading and pointing out the mistake. I have made the correction now. :)

  13. Hi,
    I'm Debasmit and I was just listening to this song in my neighborhood and suddenly realised how beautifully Thakur has potreyed the beauty of otherwise a sorrowful moment of separation from the deer. Just wondering about much more about the poem and found out this blog. Thanks a lot for such great expression of the masterpiece by Thakur. Also the last line of where you said that because when we conquer something we forget its value. This truly means a lot about life. Truly wonderful ❤️

    1. Thank you Debasmit. It surely is an enchanting melody. I'm glad you liked my take on the poem/song.

  14. Hi comfortably numb!
    It´s a lovely song, thanks for uploading it!
    One can have a relation to a thing without having the motivation or the goal to possess it. To appreciate a thing of beauty one may not possess it. if one can achieve this attitude in life then one goes a long way to dismantle one´s ego, for, the act of possessing is nothing but a phenomenon of the ego. To be able to be egoless is achieving a psychological freedom, which in turn is a divine state of being.

    1. Wow Arindam, those are some profound psychological thoughts. Truly appreciate you sharing them here. And yes, I do agree but only wish it was easy to live without and ego.

  15. Hello sir,
    It's been 10 months for my breakup with my girlfriend, whom I used to call my missing piece, she was a Bengali girl and this was her first recommended song, at that time I didn't knew the meaning of this song but now I do, and now I can't get back together even if I want to, I miss her and crave for her love. But now I realised that it will be best to admire her from distance because she feels very precious to me, and my eyes are full of tears writting these lines.

    1. Hello Sumit,

      I'm truly sorry for your loss. It isn't very easy to open up and share about such difficult situations in life, so I do appreciate you talking about it here.
      I can only sincerely hope that you heal soon and find love once again. Take care buddy.

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m very thankful that I came across this beautiful song


Thank you or your comments.